
A virtual library of free digital books and magazines in pdf format, of the most varied and interesting contents that I make available to you, for your reading. How can I access books and magazines? Too easy! Just go to the link included at the end of the page in each title and click. Immediately you will have access to the complete book to read from any device connected to the Internet.


LEGAL NOTICE: Unless otherwise stated, this is a Blog for educational and entertainment purposes, dedicated to the reading of books and magazines of the most varied subjects: (History, Literature, Arts, Philosophy, Psychology, Sciences, Economy , etc.). Only a small information of the book or the magazine is given and the address or link where you can arrive. Enjoy them.


5 de julio de 2019

24 LECCIONES DE AJEDREZ - Garri Kasparov

24 LECCIONES DE AJEDREZ - Garri Kasparov

Garri Kasparov, gran maestro internacional, nos explica las peculiaridades del ajedrez, describiendo jugadas reales de partidas entre grandes maestros y sacando lecciones y consejos prácticos de gran interés. El texto va acompañado de 42 esquemas con los movimientos más destacados, que permiten al lector seguir sobre los mismos el desarrollo de las jugadas que se describen.
157 páginas
Idioma: español
Con ilustraciones

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